Membership Commitment
Step Two begins after you have completed the membership class and you’re ready to review the membership criteria listed in our membership commitment document below. If you have not completed the class please return to the class page here.
membership commitment
Mercy Hill Church is committed to being the church by uniting lost and hurting children to their heavenly Father through the work of Christ. We do this by cultivating spiritual development through the merciful application of God’s word in Gospel community and by creating an environment where the Holy Spirit’s presence is free to be both experienced and shared. Mercy Hill Church is committed to a philosophy of church that values community and focuses on the development of people rather than the expansion of the organization. We are not focused on building a church, but rather, focused on BEING the church.
Membership at Mercy Hill is a commitment to God’s design for the role of ‘The Church’ in each of our lives and a greater unity within our church family. As followers of Jesus we are called “the body of Christ”; collectively we are His body. Investing in community, being known and knowing others within the body of Christ is something to which we are called. We are to be a living parable of Jesus’ love here on earth. Membership is a mutual commitment between you and the church.
The Elders/Pastors commit:
To prayerfully seek God’s direction for our church community
To care for you and our church and seek to grow in grace, truth, and love
To teach and counsel from the whole of Scripture
To steward our resources to the best of our ability
To lovingly exercise discipline when necessary for the health of the church as a whole
I commit:
UNITY: To strive to protect the unity of the church by living in accordance with the Gospel by pursuing reconciliation when an offense occurs between myself and another member. I will meet with an elder or staff member of Mercy Hill before terminating membership, and to bring conflicts or grievances directly to an Elder. Likewise, I will strive to process and listen to God in community rather than breaking fellowship independent of church leadership.
COMMUNITY: To being known and knowing others by regularly participating in weekend services and engaging in Gospel-centered relationships within the Church. I will commit to building community through participating in regular church functions such as joining a community group at Mercy Hill, Church family Night, Spirit Led, Tarry, and other Church functions as my schedule allows.
SERVE & MINISTRY: To find a place to serve in the ministry of Mercy Hill and to walk with a heart of love, concern and care for my brothers and sisters in Christ.
GIVE: To give generously and consistently of my finances, time, and resources for the sake of the Gospel in participation with Mercy Hill.
SUBMIT to ELDERS: To recognize the Elders of Mercy Hill (who are submitted one to another and to the word of God) as my spiritual elders and therein recognize their leadership and spiritual authority in my life, in tandem with scripture and the working of The Holy Spirit. Similarly, I allow for exhortation, correction, or difficult conversations with me as the need or concern arises.
PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY: To support the mission of Mercy Hill and its core doctrines as outlined in the Mercy Hill Membership Class, which I have already either attended or listened to with an attentive and open mind (and asked all relevant questions as it relates to understanding Mercy Hill core doctrines). Likewise, I commit to pursue the Lord Jesus Christ and spiritual growth through:
Love for the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17), Prayerfulness (Philippians 4:6-7), Teachability (Psalm 1:1-6), Lifestyle of Worship (Romans 12:1-2), Promotion of Community (Romans 12:3-8), Financial Generosity (2 Corinthians 8:7), and Willingness and Openness to be used of the Holy Spirit to edify the Church (1 Cor 14:1, 1 Cor 12:4-11)
By submitting my contact information below, for The Mercy Hill Church Member Directory, I am indicating that I understand and agree with the commitments outlined in this document and wish to be a member of Mercy Hill Church.
Finally, if beneficial, please schedule an appointment with an elder for final questions or fellowship sake. All elders have an email address that is their first (for instance, If you don’t know any of the elders, we strongly encourage you to email Jesse as a starting point to set up an in-person meeting with an elder. Thank you!